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We’ve been busy but no results. What do I need to do to increase profits this financial year?

What do I need to do to increase profit this financial year?
What do I need to do to increase profit in my business this financial year?

Thought to self: Last financial year could have been much better than the financials attest. We were really busy but did not get the results. What do I need to do to increase profit this financial year?

Perhaps the answer is not to do more but to be more strategic with what you do.

In the words of Sun Tzu:

“Tactics before strategy is the noise before defeat.”

Sometimes you can have an idea of your business plan but do not have the time to implement it, or perhaps your plan was too bullish and you needed a more robust business plan well embedded into your business for it to be successful.

CFO Evolve has been instrumental in growing businesses into corporates since 2014. A key part to this is a robust strategic Business Plan. Utilising processes that look deep into your company, your competitors, the market and your industry value chain, CFO Evolve then develops areas of focus around growth, methods to increase profit, operations, finance and staff. Once the key objectives, strategies and tactics are known, a 3 way forecast can be developed to ensure you appreciate how your business will operate all the way through to available cash to ensure your strategies are fully funded.

Having a strategic Business Plan is only part of the equation. Your CFO Evolve part-time CFO can then work with you to execute the strategies and evolve your business to the next level.

Five steps to a strategic Business Plan:

2. Review with CFO Evolve your business and growth options available to you

4. Mesh with the Plan a 3 way forecast

5. Execute the Plan

How can a part-time CFO help?

Our approach is to work with you and your budget. This can be an interim, part time function through to a mentoring role 2 days per month. We will discuss your requirements on a no-obligation, free consultation phone call or face to face meeting and establish where we think your needs sit.

We will match you with a CFO we believe is the best fit for your company based on their experience in the corporate world and their experience with CFO Evolve.

CFO Evolve provides exceptional part-time CFOs, passionately building great businesses through financial and strategic insights. Contact us if you think that we can assist with your business growth.


About CFO Evolve:

Providing businesses with CFO services through an exceptional part-time CFO, virtual CFO, interim CFO or a business coach or advisor.


We passionately build great businesses through financial and strategic insights.

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CFO Evolve Part-time CFO

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Sydney, NSW, Australia

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